A discovery of DNA sequences in the classroom inspires Associate Professor Pislariu to recruit students into research

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, a phrase that didn’t exist until 1945, is the study of how molecules interact with one another in living organisms to perform the functions of life, and it’s applicable across a swath of scientific fields.

It is also the specialty of study for Texas Woman's Associate Professor of Biology Catalina Pislariu.

Last year, Pislariu’s students didn’t just learn molecular techniques and instrumentation.


of biomedical scientists are women


of biomedical scientists were people of color in 2021


They discovered several unique DNA sequences that were verified and published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine.

“They were thrilled,” Pislariu says of her students. “The excitement this brings is when you have a project that has a purpose, starting with an initial question and finishing with an end product that gives you a scientific answer.”